CrossFit Open 2022
It's that time of year again where we test our fitness based on fun and challenging workouts in the CrossFit Open. Signing up for The Open is a great way to test your fitness and General Physical Preparedness by completing and entering your score for these workouts. As the years pass and we retest these workouts, your recorded score is something you can check back on.
This Week's Programming
Wed: Deadlifts and Chipper
Thu: WOD/Clean
Fri: Open WOD
KSCF Notes
Test your fitness and join our KSCFam for the CrossFit Open 2022 here
MASK MANDATE is in effect. Please wear a mask
Shoe Donations. Bring in your used shoes to drop-off outside our box.
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .

"Reaper Sauce”
21/15 Cal Row
21 Overhead Squats
Max Lateral Erg Burpees
Rest 3 Minutes
18/13 Cal Row
18 Overhead Squats
Max Lateral Erg Burpees
Rest 3 Minutes
15/12 Cal Row
15 Overhead Squats
Max Lateral Erg Burpees
Rest 3 Minutes
12/9 Cal Row
12 Overhead Squats
Max Lateral Erg Burpees
Rx: 95/65, 115/85, 135/95, 155/105
L3: 75/55, 95/65, 115/85, 135/95
L2: 65/45, 75/55, 95/65, 115/85
L1: 55/35, 65/45, 75/55, 95/65