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Saturday, December 26th, 2020 WOD

NOrmal Schedule today

Forward Spine & Sport Core Stability & Breathing Workshop

  • Our friends at FSS, Steve and Bryan, are going to begin a 4-week clinic focusing on moving from the core to extremities starting on Sunday, January 10th.

  • The flier attached explains a bit more of what you can expect through this weekly sequence. This will be a more applicable clinic than the previous core breathing clinics we have done in the past.

  • These clinics will be focused around our WOD class times in January and the finer details of timing will be announced closer to the start date.

  • Check out their site to learn more about how Forward Spine & Sport can help you!

KSCF Notes


“Fish out of Water”

For Time:

Working in Teams of 2, one person works at a time.

3K Row

*one person can row 500m at a time MAX

Directly into 15 Rounds:

2 Power Cleans

4 Bar-Facing Burpees

8 Alternating Pistols

Rx: 185/115

L3: 165/105

L2: 135/95

L1: 115/75

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