KSCF Weekly Update
Keep your eyes peeled for an email this week covering a few things going on at KSCF. Our programming will evolve into our Squat and DL strength soon including gymnastics work.
Continue working on your skill sets during your free time and we'll continue to build our strength in the process.
This Week's Programming
Tue: Front Squats
Thu: Endurance Murph Prep
Fri: Press Strength and short WOD
KSCF Notes
Sunday morning 10 am classes are back!
Follow our FB group or our handle @kendallsquarecf .
Handstands and HSPU drills
AMRAP 8 mins
10 DB Hang Power Cleans
8 Toes to Bar
Rx: 55/40
L3: 50/35
L2: 45/30
L1: 40/25