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The fun begins next Friday!! We can't wait to see you there!

KSCF Notes


DB Walking Lunges:

16-16-12-10 (these are total steps taken in each set)


"Troll Bogies"

Complete 4 Rounds

16 Alt. Renegade Row (55/40)

10 Floor Press

25' HS Walk (3 Wall Walks)

*TimeCap: 12 minutes

L3: 50/35

L2: 45/30

L1: 40/25


Check out your email or spam mail for our recent discussion about Friday Night Lights and our upcoming KSCF FaceOff. We want to engage as many of our KSCFam over the next few months in our Friday Night Lights workouts and Socials as well as our in-house team competition. We hope to have as many of you involved as we forge elite fitness and friendships!

Forging Elite Friendships❣️

This Week of Programming

  • Fri: Lunges, Upper Body triplet

KSCF Notes


Strict Ring Rows: 5 sets of 5

L-Sits: 4 sets of 15-30 sec




Hang Power Snatch (115/75)


Burpees Over Bar

L3: 95/65

L2: 75/55

L1: 65/45


This Week of Programming

  • Thu: Ring Rows, Medium length anaerobic threshold WOD

  • Fri: Lunges, no planned WOD

KSCF Notes


1-arm Z-Press: 5 sets of 5

Bench Planks: 3-4 sets of 30 seconds


"Now or Later"

Buy-in: 800m Run

AMRAP 10 minutes

10 Hang DB C&J (50/35)

15/10 Push-Ups

20 Sit-Ups

Cash-Out: 500m Row

L3: 45/30

L2: 40/25

L1: 35/20


© Kendall Square CrossFit 2020.

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